Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Future of the Club?

Not sure if anyone really visits here anymore and I was just wondering how everyone feels about the future of the club. Sending and receiving discs of music has been great fun for the past however long but maybe now it's time to reevaluate this site. There haven't been any discs sent in a few months and the posting has dropped out completely. Any ideas for the future or do we just kill the concept all together?

I was thinking it's still a nice place to post links, videos, pictures and stories to share with each other since we are all over the country now. Maybe we kill the music sharing, invite a bunch more friends and use it as a private social networking blog.


Blogger iphantom said...

I am open to letting whomever come to the sight and discuss whatever topic they would like.

As for the club I would still like to receive dics from others if possible. I really enjoyed receiving music from others that expanded my library along with putting me in touch with bands I enjoy. I would have previously never listened to half of my musical library if not for the club. I would urge that those who have not been timely with the release of there dics please due so if possible. (I will not name names) I would like to see the Club survive another year. But if the club is to go the way of the Dinosuar, I also understand that all things come to pass.

12:58 PM  

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