Friday, October 14, 2005

Super Furry Animals // Love Kraft - review

This is from filter magazine:

Super Furry Animals
Love Kraft
Filter Grade: 89%
by Nevin Martell

Some people want to go to the moon. Others desire eternal life. I just want to get incalculably high, put on big-ass headphones and lie on a shag rug listening to Super Furry Animals’ Love Kraft over and over and over again. This might seem like a small dream, but after you hear this summery, Technicolor masterpiece, you’ll abandon thoughts of spaceships and fountains of youth, and frantically start searching for a spliff and a living-room scene. Opening to the sound of a splash, SFA invite you to take a virtual swim in their electric Kool Aid acid test. There are hints of old tropicalia LPs, Caribbean beach sing-alongs, Pink Floyd’s head trips and Air’s chilled-out moodscapes, but they have conjured a sonic spirit that is inarguably their own. The Welsh quintet has achieved greatness before (“Juxtaposed with U,” anyone?), but Love Kraft is their greatest album. Might I recommend you roll a fatty one?


Blogger B-Qbd said...

So, Jimmy... oddly enough I had planned on stopping by my local Virgin Megastore to sample some music I had been interested in, last Friday (the day you posted this). Anyway, I checked out some stuff, and then stumbled upon Love Kraft at one of the listening booths. I spent more time listening to this album, than I did probably combined on all the stuff I had really come into the store for. The album sounds really great!! I definitely hear the Floyd reference from that review. And I'd also like to roll a fatty and just zone-out (into) this music. I didn't buy it while I was there, but after giving it a few days, I find myself wanting to hear it again.
I'm pretty sure that Jimmy (not sure about anyone else) has been into SFA for a while now. I think I first heard of them (not heard them) through him. However, this was probably sometime in early college, so I pegged the band to be some sort of punk-related kinda thing, which is unfortunate. How are their other albums? What kind of style are they?

Oh, another album I really got into at Virgin was the new Supergrass. I've been listening to their Life on Other Planets album for a while, and I like it, but Road to Rouen sounds flippin great at first listen. Anyone heard this one and have an opinion?? If not, check it out.

11:57 AM  
Blogger James Harris said...

Yeah, I've been into SFA for awhile no. Saw them live in 02 and it was one of the greatest shows I've seen. They play in "3D sound" so at times the music would be circling all around you, it sounds kinda lame, but it works out pretty well. Plus they have a guy who mixes live video during the performance. Definitely pick up Love Kraft, it really is their best album.

The other albums are good too. The first album, fuzzy logic, is the most straight forward rock album. They start experimenting with techno and noise on Radiator and Guerilla. Then by Rings Around the World they have really nailed down the SFA sound. Phantom Power continues with this sound and Love Kraft perfects it.

Haven't heard the new Supergrass yet, but I plan on picking it up soon.

I did buy Danger Doom finally. Damn! it's good, I've already listened to it 3 times today and it's on it's 4th spin right now. Pick it up for sure.

3:30 PM  
Blogger iphantom said...

All Right Repeat After Me.
I Am Sofa King, Retarded.

2:11 PM  
Blogger B-Qbd said...

Only a retard could fuck that one up.

Try this one:


7:10 PM  
Blogger iphantom said...

You say funny things.

10:14 AM  
Blogger B-Qbd said...

I think Dylan hates me

1:30 PM  
Blogger James Harris said...

not so fast... lose meaning.

10:02 AM  

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