Friday, November 11, 2005

Fear the Bobcats

You'll get the pun when you read the article.

I know this blog is supposed to be all about Musica, but I just can't help myself. I also know that a bunch of us are Ohio U alums, and even if you're not, you have to appreciate what this means for a MAC school. Anyway, I went to, and what do I see on the "front cover" (aka espn homepage) but the OU Basketball Team!!! It's 8:30 right now on the West Coast, so if you don't go here soon after that, there will undoubtedly be another article on the front page. If there is nothing about OU on that page, try here, where you will be brought directly to the story. Sorry, it's probably NEVER happened before, so I must revel in it. And I don't want to jinx the season (eventhough we'll probably fuck it up), but who knows... maybe OU will help you win your NCAA Tourney Pool this year.


Blogger James Harris said...

I'm in!! hopefully I'll be living near there by then too. St Paddy's NYC part II

3:22 PM  
Blogger B-Qbd said...

HOPEFULLY, Jimi will see the light and come to California.
However, I'm in too. Fuckin Mildred... I'm now very glad that I didn't "Win" one of those T-Shirts now. Haha... suckers.

4:32 PM  

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