Monday, April 23, 2007

a quick survey

Please respond to this post with answers:

Do you like using the new system to share on-line versus sharing through the mail?

Should we maintain an assigned month or just post as we feel like it?

Are you having any problems with the blog or FTP site?

Do you have any questions about posting to the blog or the FTP site?

Any suggestions?


Blogger babygame said...

I have not tried the ftp site yet so I can't answer most the questions. As far as posting though I like the idea of posting whenever you wish versus the monthly assignments. My collection isn't as deep as others so I worry while trying to fill space I send out some discs most may already have. I may put in less this way but hopefully the quality will be higher.

On a side note...With the list of 2007 music, AFI's side project Blaqk Audio should be out this year. It's only been years in the making.

11:23 AM  
Blogger James Harris said...

I'll go ahead and answer my own questions (anything to avoid working).

Do you like using the new system to share on-line versus sharing through the mail?
Yes, it's much much better.

Should we maintain an assigned month or just post as we feel like it?
I agree with Pete, just post when you have something good to share. The monthly system made more sense when we were using the postal service. However we need to come up with something to make sure that everyone participates. Any ideas?

Are you having any problems with the blog or FTP site?
Yes. I can't get the damn thing updated to the new version of blogger. I think this has to do with brad's rouge account. That's why I asked if anyone is having problems posting.

Do you have any questions about posting to the blog or the FTP site?

Any suggestions?
some type of mandatory participation system.

11:37 AM  
Blogger B-Qbd said...

Do you like using the new system to share on-line versus sharing through the mail? I much prefer the online sharing. It's quicker, easier, and less expensive.

Should we maintain an assigned month or just post as we feel like it? I'd prefer to post-as-you-feel-like-it. But I agree that we need everyone to participate especially if they're reaping the benefits. Maybe a monthly or yearly quota?

Are you having any problems with the blog or FTP site? It was annoying switching over to the google version, but it's okay now.

Do you have any questions about posting to the blog or the FTP site?
Any suggestions? I second the mandatory participation. Is there any way to track who is downloading what? I think you should only have to post if you are also downloading.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Mike Altvater said...

Do you like using the new system to share on-line versus sharing through the mail?

n/a -- I'm new, but I like the online sharing.

Should we maintain an assigned month or just post as we feel like it?

Posting as you feel like it seems better. Except I wonder if this will put Jim in a bind as far as disc space goes.

Are you having any problems with the blog or FTP site?

I didn't know that iTunes files didn't work until recently. Sorry to anyone who hasn't been able to download any of my stuff.

Do you have any questions about posting to the blog or the FTP site?

Yes. If I delete a file from my folder does it delete it off of the FTP site permanently? In other words, do I have to do anything other than hit 'delete' to remove files from the site?

Any suggestions?

Less talk, more rock! Kidding ... I was going to wait till June before posting new music. If it's not a problem vis-a-vis disk space, I'll go ahead and post some stuff sooner.

Also, if someone could post bootleg versions of Spiderman 3 and Transformers ... that'd be great.

12:02 AM  
Blogger James Harris said...


Yes if you click delete it is gone. There is no trash to empty or recycling bin or whatever. One delete and it's gone. I am totally fine on disc space. When it becomes an issue then I will police some files.

Another consideration besides disk space is data transfer. Right now we are the only ones downloading the files so it's not an issue, but if for some reason a linked file became popular on google or someone linked to it on a popular website then I would get fucked with charges. So basically don't go spreading the link around on myspace or anything. Let's keep an intimate group here. The idea isn't to mass pirate music it's to let each other know what were listening to.

So it sounds like we'll scrap the idea of monthly participation. Which is fine by me. If anyone has a good idea for making sure members participate then bring it up. We'll figure something out. A monthly quota would be tough because some months are just crazy busy and not everyone has an album a month to share. Maybe a yearly quota. There is no way to tell who has been downloading the files so I guess it's going to have to be somewhat of an honor system. If you're downloading music please at sometime in the year upload an album or two or at least post some links to other peoples free music or at the absolute very least participate in conversations on this site.

9:01 AM  
Blogger B-Qbd said...

Just wanted to confirm with Mike A. The problem isn't iTunes files, it's iTunes MUSIC STORE files. If you bought it from apple, nobody else can use it (those bastards). I think everyone here is on the iTunes bandwagon, so the iTunes files are no problem.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

I agree with everything that's been said so far (I like downloading versus mailing and I think we should ditch the assigned months).

As far as I-tunes files go, I've found a pretty easy way to avoid the problems that sharing m4a files present. Whenever I download a CD that I want to share, I burn it and then upload it as mp3 files. I post the mp3 file vs the m4a. It takes a few extra minutes, but it's also nice to have a hard copy of a CD as backup.

9:38 AM  
Blogger James Harris said...

okay, so we'll abolish the monthly schedule and everything else is kosher.

10:10 PM  

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