A friend turned me on to a site called www.yousendit.com. Essentially you can upload up to 1 gig for 7 days and have up to 25 downloads. A link may be posted on our site.
Possibly, whoever's month it si could upload there selection and post it for everyone to download, possibly saving time, money, and effort.
I have no idea how well or fast the service is or if it will adequatley serve our purposes.
I tried a test of uploading Eminem (sorry, it's the only thing I had here at work for the moment).
It took probably 8 to 10 minutes to upload. I imagine that 1 gig will take some time. One other thing. You can only upload one file, so any group of files will have to be compressed using Winrar or Winzip.
Try to down load the following link so we can get an idea if this actully works:
Another alternative is trying to get our own ftp site where we could do essntially the same thing.